Pondicherry- A city of french colonial.
Pondicherry/puducherry is a city of french colonial, which also known as union territory of India.
Pondicherry is a small town type area that is known due to his beautifull and luxurious lifestyle that is set by the french people, here most of the buildings were made by them in an order of french colonies. If you have time i will suggest you which places and where to where u can visit with less expenses as well as i will provided my contact no for you so that if u have any query or problem regarding this, u can easily contact me.

Places to visit
Top 5 Places to visit in Pondicherry..
  • Auroville is basically known for the meditation as well centre for the meditators. Auroville is a beautifull places where u can see a beautifull creation of the nature as well as u can see Goldan Globe but the thing is that u have to make an appointment before some days if u want to inside the globe.  
    Botenichal Garden
    Botenichal Garden is may be in so many cities like in India like kolkata,Saharanpur,Bangalore,Ooty and so on, But here in pondicherry, it's role and importance is another level as earlier i stated that pondicherry is a city of french colonial,so u can thought that how much it beautifull..


Rock Beach

  • Rock Beach is another 3rd one in the list of top 5 places that is must visit in pondicherry, Rock is nothing but a beach that shows the dignity and integrity itself, In rock beach the statue of Mahatma Gandhi G places an important Role, If u visit on Rock Beach u can saw itself, i do not had to explain much more about that one..

    The South Boulevard
  • The south boulevard at Subbayah Salai houses this famous church in Pondicherry, which was constructed by French missionaries during the 1700’s. It’s a classic example of Gothic splendour and one must visit this to experience its inner beauty and peace. The church beautifully depicts the events from the life of Christ through its stunning glass panels. It also contains spectacular glass pictures of twenty-eight saints, the great devotees Jesus Christ.

Paradise Beach

  • Paradise beach in Pondicherry is another heaven, it's like a small island that are covered from the the corners of the ocean, here you can reach with the help of boat.

In the last i would like to say that pondicherry/puducherry is not limited with only these 5 places there are Lots of places to visits, but due to the Limited time i am going to post only top 5 places with the help of mine personel experience, because present time i am in this beautifull city.
So, if any query or conclusion don't be hesitate to ask or contacting to me.

Contact No: 8601705713
Mail I'D: avinashrana111.ar@gmail.com

Any type of query related hotel,room,bike on rent,places,How to come,near by Airport,Amount of tour and so on , any type of query please contact me, i will surely help you, if anyway i am unable to response within one day u can also text me on my Fb/Insta page or u can leave a comment on this blog .
With Regards,



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