Terms of services

Here  we stated some terms of services:
  • You can access each and every post.
  • Don't be make fraudulent activities.
  • Don't try to make copy paste, it's a case of copyright.
  • Our all services and contents are original, in case of any query you can directly contact to the page owner.
  • further information contact to the page owner.
You may not, nor may you permit any third party, directly or indirectly,If we reasonably suspect that this blog has been used for an unauthorized, illegal, or criminal purpose, you give us express authorization to share information about you, your Square Account, and any of your transactions with law enforcement.

Compatible Mobile Devices and Third Party Carriers:

We do not warrant that the Services will be compatible with your mobile device or carrier. Your use of the Services may be subject to the terms of your agreements with your mobile device manufacturer or your carrier. You may not use a modified device to use the Services if the modification is contrary to the manufacturer’s software or hardware guidelines, including disabling hardware or software controls—sometimes referred to as “jail broken.”

Your Content:

Anything you provide us or make available to the public through our services must not contain anything that we think is objectionable (e.g., illegal, obscene, hateful or harmful to you, our customers or us). We can remove any content at any time.
The Services may include functionality for uploading or providing suggestions, recommendations, feedback, stories, photos, documents, logos, products, loyalty programs, promotions, advertisements and other materials or information (“Content”).

You grant us and our subsidiaries, affiliates, and successors a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, transferable, irrevocable, perpetual, and sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, and publicly display your Content throughout the world in any media for any reason, including to provide, promote, and/or incorporate into the Services. You retain all rights in your Content, subject to the rights you granted to us in these General Terms. You may modify or remove your Content via your Square Account or by terminating your Square Account, but your Content may persist in historical, archived or cached copies and versions thereof available on or through the Services.
You will not upload or provide Content or otherwise post, transmit, distribute, or disseminate through the Services any material that: (a) is false, misleading, unlawful, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harassing, hateful, abusive, or inflammatory; (b) encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense or gives rise to civil liability; (c) breaches or infringes any duty toward or rights of any person or entity, including rights of publicity, privacy or intellectual property; (d) contains corrupted data or any other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; (e) advertises products or services competitive with Square’s or its partners’ products and services, as determined by us in our sole discretion; or (f) in our sole judgment, is objectionable, restricts or inhibits any person or entity from using or enjoying any portion of the Services, or which may expose Square, its affiliates or its customers to harm or liability of any nature.
Although we have no obligation to monitor any Content, we have absolute discretion to remove Content at any time and for any reason without notice. Square may also monitor such Content to detect and prevent fraudulent activity or violations of Square’s General Terms. You understand that by using the Services, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any Content, including any loss or damage to any of your Content.

Further query you can directly contact to the page owner.

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