
Hello guys how are you, I hope you all are fine. My Name is corona that is recently named as covid 19. Dear Human you know why I’ll be came, the basic funda of mine coming is to teach a lesson to you all of you dear friends.
How you fell when you are in cave?
How you fell when you are covered in a specific area?
How you fell when you are stuck in a particular place?
Dear human, you cannot deserve this earth, because you have make this earth like hell. Now you know this era is 21st century even not only 21st century but it’s a century when all the things i.e fraud, terrorism, Poverty, pollution, are on top, that means you all humans convert this earth in to hell. The only and only cause behind this are you humans. What you people had done with the animals, what you people had done with the species. What you had done with the nature, I am one of the reward of this what you all have done with nature and with the earth.
Dear human, what you gave return to the earth instead of pollution, Cut-through things, and so on, I do not want to talk some other things that you humans had been done with this earth.
My dear friends now you can fell the real meaning of Cleaning,  nature, earth, Now you can fell the actual meaning of surviving and maintaining the environment. Now you can fell how you can deal with the earth and nature. Dear human one day I will not be here but I will teach you a lesson, that unforgotten lesson.
Next century I will come in the name of some other too for 22nd century’s people, to teach them a new lesson like you.

My Perspective:
Now it’s all about the people of various country and nations, now I I’ll be like to talk about things that should must be done or not done by the government and other officials. Yes government those government which are very active at the time of election, but now this time there is no such type of elections, so that government are not that much active, they are doing things like lockdown and so on, but the ground floor is rough like a sea without water, Now we can see migrant people those who goes to some other state for employment, they are coming by walking, this showing crucially and failure of government, Government provide air facility to those who are only indian origins, here I don’t mean that they are not important but government should must have to ensure that they are providing enough facility to those who are coming from other state to their origin state, but what is done by the government you all can see, now I want to talk about preparation of this pandemic, what is prepared by the government, India is highly population density area, in india population having 135 crores so we all can assume the situation of india during this covid19, the most important thing to be consider during this pandemic that india don’t have enough medical facility, even not only medical facility, but also the ration of doctors and patients i.e (1:2000) approx.
The thing should be done only by the government is the shutting and lockdown the whole country, but that’s enough for this covid19, rarely people will say yes, because we all know that it’s a virus it can spread within a specific time period from one person to another person, so that it’s not enough, during this time period people are moving from one place to another like demonetization, without preparation.

This covid19 is comes from china and slowly spread across European countries, so at that time what is our government doing they are only for one day announcement, that from tomorrow onwards country will going to shut down, this pandemic is nothing much if our government is much more active just like now, Government is only for fund and only for their vip facility, no government must have to ensure their liability regarding people, their people.
Some points like the announcement of Tax Return’s, Emi’s, providing Wheat and rice at cheaper rate for 3 months advance is a type of  initiation done by the government but  not up to a level, things should be done like announcement on intra state people that we’ll gave you enough time and transportation to come back to your hometown as well as we’ll provide transportation facility and son just like those who are coming from out of the country, but we do not know what is going in government’s mind, still they are blaming each other, we can see in delhi bus terminal, how many peoples are stuck there, who is reasponsible for them, some of them are coming by walking and some of them are died withing their route, so who is reasponsible, State government, central government, it’s not first time that we can see the failure pf the government, since 1947 we’ll see so many failures of governments, till now this will going on, the one and one only one thing I would like to say that for how much times it would be going on, how much times the voters, the local peoples have to sacrifice their life, those people which are not given a single vote, or they didn’t effort a single unit to form the government, they are safely reached to their home, but those peoples who plays a vital role in the formation of government they are coming like coming from hell no transportation even nothing. So we can assume how the situation is to be in india, I hope it will all resolve as soon as possible, but each and every time one thing that is the failure of government is coming out, I do not know that when these politicians these leaders are come forward for there peoples when they will serve their nations without any interruption.


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