Corona virus
As u all know that the corona virus is already hit the china country and their peoples, now this virus is c going to hit india's people so the better is that we had to maintain ourself much more hygience so that we can easily fought with this dangerous virus, be alert, be safe, be hygience.
Corona virus is nothing but the a type of virus generally this virus are in birds, animals and so on, but as u  all knew that china's wuhan city is known for the market of meat, so this virus is comes from this market now going to hit across the world. As recent post that is made by the who (World health organisation) that corona is the world's most powerfull disease that make a human being in to dead human.
I would like to say that the corona's first case is found in New-Delhi before one month from now, but recently 6 patients are found in Rajasthan, slightly corona is going to hit in india and here's people, so we had to ensure that some of the reasponsible points that may help to us to protect from this, points should stated as below.

  • Try to maintain hygience as much as possible.
  • Try to maintain distance from disease peoples.
  • Keep ready yourself with hankerchief & sanitizer and all other basic things.
  • Try not to handshake if u want u can done but after that neatly clean your hands.
  • If u have any disease try to go to near medical shop or any health centre so that u can prevent yourself.
All above points may help you to prevent from corona and all other diseases, for further query u can contact to me:
With Regards,
Be alert, Be safe, Always Hygience


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